In addition to the commercialization of Electronic Components,

We offer our Clients the following Services:

Specialized technical advice

Our team of technicians and engineers will give you the advice you need, whether it is about doubts regarding its design, about which components to use, search for replacements in the event that the exact same component you are looking for is not available or is discontinued, as well as suggest more modern and cheaper components to reduce the cost of your developments. Get in touch with us, we will be happy to advise you and be part of your projects.

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Design and printing of circuit boards

We make engineering hours available to our clients for the design and development of all types of equipment and electronic circuits. Our clients trust us with the designs of their products, being able to entrust us with the electrical design, the design of the printed circuit, emulations and prototypes, the production of printed circuits; and even the possibility of the finished product (customized) from an idea.

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Training courses

We offer fully Online Training Courses on Electronics and Programming topics, with content based on the latest generation technologies.

We have courses on Basic Electronics (for beginners), Advanced Electronics (for those who already have a basic knowledge), Arduino Programming in C language, IoT (internet of things)...among others.

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Programming of memories and microcontrollers

We offer the programming service for all types of memories (Prom, Eprom, Eeprom, Serial Eeprom, Flash), and microcontrollers of the Atmel, Microchip, Motorola (Freescale), ST, Texas, Zilog lines, etc.

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We have an office in Hong Kong

And thanks to this we have a portfolio of more than 100 trusted suppliers in China and Hong Kong, which allows us to not only source components of all kinds, including obsolete and hard-to-find, but also the assurance that they are new and original.

We have a presence in Spain and Hong Kong, and thanks to this we can offer our customers the products placed directly in their warehouse, as well as the possibility of making imports on request (either to reduce costs or products that are not available in the local market), and we also offer F.O.B. Hong Kong for those who prefer to do their own imports.

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