About us

Microelectrónica, We exist by and for our clients.

We are a company formed by professionals with more than 25 years of experience in the electronics industry. We are dedicated to the trade of Electronic Components that we import directly, and we distribute wholesale and retail depending on the requested volume. We are a strong and reliable link between our clients and the manufacturers of leading component brands abroad.Our growth and improvement lead us to currently provide value-added services, such as technical advice, memory and microcontroller programming, design and printing of printed circuits. In the designing service, we cover everything from the design and prototyping stage, through small and large-scale production, to assembly with components.We also offer various training courses completely online, ranging from basic electronics (for beginners) to microcontroller programming and IoT.And for those hard-to-find parts, we have offices in Hong Kong, which allows us to locate any type of product, thus being able to import and deliver them in Spain or be imported by the client.We appreciate your visit to our site, and we look forward to helping you!

Microelectronica team.